Why is a referendum being considered?

Indoor sports and recreation space remains a high priority for the community and the District’s building spaces do not align with community program needs and require upgrading due to their age, condition, functionality, and space constraints. Based on an independent assessment, architects identified many building deficiencies, space constraints, and significant aging for the nearly 70-year-old Wagner Community Center.

Additionally, 5,610 people remained on a program waitlist in 2022. The primary reason for such high waitlists is lack of facility space to accommodate the demand. While staff have made a demonstrated effort to accommodate demand, in many cases, facility constraints prevent staff from increasing program capacity.

The redevelopment of the aging Wagner Community Center will reduce waitlists and address facility deficiencies and its continued aging. However, the realization of this project hinges on the community’s willingness to fund it. Despite being lauded for its financial stewardship, including the Government Finance Officers Association’s Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, the District faces the challenge of meeting escalating community demands with limited financial resources. With taxpayers paying only a nickel for every dollar paid towards taxes, the Elmhurst Park District also has one of the lowest tax rates as compared to other park districts in DuPage County, including communities like Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Carol Stream and Lombard.