Courts Plus Tennis Ceiling Reflective Coating Replacement (2023)

  • Tennis ceiling liner
    Courts Plus tennis court ceiling liner. It was last replaced 30 years ago.
Project Complete
Anticipated Completion Date
Late Summer 2023
Project Summary

The ceiling liner above the Courts Plus tennis courts is budgeted to be replaced in 2023. The liner is 30 years-old, which is 10 years past its useful life. When tennis balls hit the brittle liner, they cause cracks and pieces of lamination to fall onto the courts. Patching and repairing the liner during the annual building maintenance closure is labor intensive and the ceiling is now almost beyond repair.

The project would include replacing the reflective ceiling coating and also painting the ceiling trusses (which would be more exposed with the new liner). Additionally, the new liner will be installed higher to prevent tennis balls from hitting it as often. This project is necessary to maintain the appearance of the tennis courts and to continue providing an exceptional tennis experience.

Project News

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