Elevate Elmhurst Parks

Elevate Elmhurst Parks is a collaborative community-wide effort to define Elmhurst Park District priorities and guide future planning efforts. In 2023, the District engaged the community in a comprehensive and strategic planning initiative seeking to update the District’s previous plan and guide decision-making for the next 5 years. The final Elevate Elmhurst Parks plan was approved at the February 26, 2024 Park Board meeting.

Recognizing the importance of diverse perspectives, the District established an Elevate Advisory Committee comprising nearly 20 members of the community. Representing a wide array of community organizations, local businesses, and demographics, this committee diligently reviewed the community’s priorities and proposed plans, offering invaluable feedback to both the Park Board and staff. Subsequently, new Wagner Community Center plans were revised based on their insights and recommendations. This collaborative effort underscores the District's commitment to inclusivity and responsiveness, ensuring that the proposed initiatives align closely with the needs and aspirations of the community.

The Plan consists of the Plan document (pages 1-22) and Appendices. It incorporates broad priorities, goals, objectives, and specific tactics for comprehensive planning (e.g., physical asset and program improvements) and strategic planning (e.g., internal operations, communication, and financial improvements). 

The six priorities of the Elevate Elmhurst Parks Plan, a direct result of community feedback, are invigorated parks, vibrant facilities, dynamic offerings, engaged community, stronger finances, and thriving culture.

The Elevate Elmhurst Parks planning process emphasized community engagement as the cornerstone to creating a plan to serve the community’s expressed interests and needs.  

In three different phases, residents participated in numerous surveys, open houses, interactive online tools and discussion groups, and identified their priorities for the Park District’s future, including new or improved facilities, parks, and programming. 

Through the various feedback opportunities, resident identified their highest priority needs as improving and upgrading facilities, expanding indoor and outdoor recreational amenities, and adding more permanent park restrooms.

Many of the Park District’s indoor facilities rated low based on age, condition, space constraints and functionality on an independent architectural firm assessment. Community feedback also reflected the need for new recreational spaces including: indoor walking/jogging track, indoor gymnasium (with basketball, volleyball, pickleball courts), indoor turf space and outdoor bandshell/amphitheater.

Residents also highlighted the need for increased programming to reduce the number of registrants on waitlists.

To address the greatest needs for the most people, Park District has identified these projects:

  • New Wagner Community Center
    • A free three-lane walking/jogging track (1/8 of a mile, which is approximately 8.6 laps per mile.)
    • Gym space for pickleball, basketball, volleyball and other sports (4 regulation high school basketball courts/2 regulation standard National Basketball Association (NBA) courts, 12 pickleball courts, or 4 practice/2 competition volleyball courts.)
    • An artificial turf field for soccer, football, baseball and other sports (60 yards by 40 yards, which is the size of a U9 level soccer field.)
    • Dedicated early childhood and preschool spaces with secure entrance.
    • Larger spaces for dance and gymnastics programs.
    • An indoor play area for younger children.
    • Flexible multi-purpose spaces for programming and community gathering.
  • New outdoor amenities also cater to all age groups and demographics and include:
    • A community bandshell in Wilder Park will provide a backdrop for music or theater performances and serve as a community gathering place.
    • Permanent, heated restroom in four locations (Wilder Park, Eldridge, Crestview, and along the Prairie Path) will give park users access to safe, clean restrooms year-round.
    • A grass field at Berens Park will be converted to artificial turf to allow athletic groups to play more often.

Indoor sports and recreation space remains a high priority for the community and the District’s building spaces do not align with community program needs and require upgrading due to their age, condition, functionality, and space constraints. Based on an independent assessment, architects identified many building deficiencies, space constraints, and significant aging for the nearly 70-year-old Wagner Community Center.

Additionally, 5,610 people remained on a program waitlist in 2022. The primary reason for high waitlists is the lack of facility space to accommodate the demand. While staff have made a demonstrated effort to accommodate this demand, in many cases, facility constraints prevent staff from increasing program capacity.

The redevelopment of the aging Wagner Community Center will reduce waitlists and address facility deficiencies. 

The proposed new Wagner Community Center is 127,250 square feet (current Wagner Community Center is 32,000 square feet). 

The total estimate for the projects (adjusted for 2026 pricing) is $89 million.

  • New Wagner Community Center ($84,950,000)
  • Wilder Park Community Bandshell with Year-round Heated Restrooms ($2,500,000)
  • Crestview Park Year-round Heated Restroom Building ($500,000)
  • Eldridge Park Year-round Heated Restroom Building ($500,000)
  • Prairie Path Year-round Heated Restroom Building ($500,000)
  • Artificial Turf at Existing Field in Berens Park ($1,000,000)

Wagner Community Center concepts can be viewed here. The proposed facility includes an indoor walking/jogging track, courts/gymnasium space for pickleball, basketball, volleyball and other sports, and a multi-sport artificial turf field. It also includes larger gymnastics and dance spaces, expanded and dedicated early childhood programming spaces, an indoor play area, and larger multi-purpose rooms to reduce program waitlists and for community meetings.

The proposed new Wagner Community Center indoor turf space is 60 yards by 40 yards, which is the size of a U9 level soccer field. The turf space is 24,700 square feet.

The proposed new Wagner Community Center free indoor track is a little less than 1/8 of a mile, which is approximately 8.6 laps per mile.

The proposed new Wagner Community Center gymnasium is 27,285 square feet with 4 regulation high school basketball courts/2 regulation standard National Basketball Association (NBA) courts, 12 pickleball courts, or 4 practice/2 competition volleyball courts. 

Renovation and expansion of the existing Wagner Community Center was considered, but not feasible because of the current facility conditions and constraints. Dewberry, an architecture firm, considered the physical factors of the facility and potential costs and returns to determine its recommendation on whether to renovate/expand or build a new facility. 

Dewberry recommended replacing the facility based on, but not limited to the following facility deficiencies: 

  • Exterior wall assembly - has little to no insulation and no water infiltration protections
  • Exterior doors and windows - do not meet energy code performance and replacement would be required
  • Roof Assembly - would need to be replaced to meet energy codes
  • Structure - ceiling heights significantly restricted by vertical height of structure and functionality is hindered
  • Accessibility - many areas remain non-compliant with today’s requirements
  • Mechanical systems - designed to support an elementary school building, are aged, and have limited controls
  • Security - no means to separate and secure the preschool area from other public spaces
  • Electrical system - new electrical service would be required to support any addition

However, more importantly, the issue of renovation/expansion rather than a new facility is square footage. The community has told us it needs much more indoor programming space than the District’s current level of tax support could possibly fund or a possible expansion to a current District facility could provide. The District has one of the lowest property tax rates in DuPage County as compared to other park districts and does not have the legal bonding authority or capital funding available to cover the costs of the proposed projects that the community needs.

The Wagner Community Center is nearly 70 years old and was designed to be an elementary school. The District purchased the building and adjacent properties totaling seven acres from MacCormac College in 2003 for $3 million. The District renovated the building, including adding a gymnastics facility in January 2004. 

Previous to the District’s ownership, the building was originally Cornille Grade School in School District #3 in Bensenville. In the 1970s it became part of Elmhurst School District 205 but was then sold in 1982 to MacCormac College. 

To address community feedback that placed a high priority on specific outdoor amenities for parks and trails, the Park District is proposing:

  • Construction of a Wilder Park Community Bandshell with Year-round heated restrooms
  • Year-round heated restroom buildings at Crestview Park, Eldridge Park and one along the Prairie Path
  • Artificial turf at an existing field in Berens Park

The community bandshell would be located south of the Wilder Park playground. Concerts, movies and events would be performed in a new community bandshell from their traditional spot on the lawn east of Wilder Mansion. 

Performances could include movie nights, band concerts, and local theater groups.

The exact location of the restroom would be determined following the November 5 election, if the voters chose to fund it. Public input will be gathered to help determine the location.

Through the various feedback opportunities, residents identified their highest priority needs as improving and upgrading indoor facilities, expanding indoor and outdoor recreational amenities, and adding more permanent park restrooms. The referendum projects were chosen based on this feedback, however, if the community approves the referendum, more resources will be available in the future to address other needs because 1) the Park District will not be continuing to spend money operating an inefficient, 1950s era building and 2) the District will generate more non-tax revenues at the new, larger Wagner Community Center that could help fund other priorities, including athletic fields.

Elmhurst Park District has consistently operated in a fiscally responsible manner and has been recognized with awards for its financial stewardship. With a property tax rate of only a nickel of every dollar, the District has one of the lowest tax rates in DuPage County.

While the Park District does have a capital fund for major repairs, replacements, or installations, it does not have the legal bonding authority to cover the costs of the proposed projects. 

With a nickel from every dollar of property taxes, the Elmhurst Park District operates and maintains 30 parks, 19 facilities and 458 acres of open land. This is one of the lowest rates compared to other DuPage County park districts, including Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Carol Stream, and Lombard.

On Monday, August 5, 2024 the Elmhurst Park District Board of Park Commissioners voted unanimously to give residents the choice to fund high-priority projects identified by the community through a referendum on the November 5, 2024 ballot.  

A successful referendum would enable the District to replace Wagner Community Center, which was built in the 1950s as an elementary school, and build a new facility that will serve all ages and reduce wait lists. It would also fund a bandshell in Wilder Park, year-round heated restrooms at Wilder, Eldridge, and Crestview parks as well as along the Prairie Path, and the conversion of a grass field to artificial turf at Berens Park.

The decision comes after the Park Board heard the results of a voter survey at their Monday, July 22 meeting. Jeff Andreasen of aQity Research presented the findings, which showed that 59% of registered voters in Elmhurst would support the projects that had been identified by residents as their top priorities. The Park Board also received overwhelming support to move forward with a referendum from the Elevate Advisory Committee, comprised of nearly 20 members from various community organizations, local businesses, and diverse demographics.

Investment in the future: The referendum is an investment in the future of Elmhurst. Improved recreational facilities can make the community more attractive to new families and businesses, ensuring the long-term vitality and appeal of the area.

Enhanced community value: The proposed projects not only work toward meeting the community’s needs but they significantly enhance the quality of life for all residents, offering amenities and programs that improve health, wellness, and community engagement. These benefits often translate into higher property values. 

Inclusive community benefits: The new community center and other projects are designed to serve all age groups, providing valuable services and opportunities for seniors, such as wellness programs, social activities, and accessible facilities that can enhance their quality of life.

Community support programs: The District currently offers a financial assistance program that provides low-income families with partial funding to be able to participate in District programs. This and other community programs helps to ensure that everyone can benefit from the new facility without undue financial strain. 

Energy Efficiency: The current Wagner Community Center was built in the 1950s and is not at all energy efficient. A new building would use less energy to heat and cool. Energy efficiency saves money, increases the resilience and reliability of the electric grid, and provides environmental, community and health benefits. 

The tax impact would be approximately $317 a year on a home valued at $500,000. To calculate your estimated tax impact, view the tax calculator >>

The increase would not be permanent. The Park District would be looking to purchase 25-year bonds, similar to when a homeowner takes out a mortgage.

If approved, the referendum would not directly impact Rec Station. However, this year, by working cooperatively with our partners at School District 205 to secure additional space, hiring more staff, and reconfiguring daily programming, Park District staff were able to increase the maximum number of participants at all eight elementary schools for the morning and after school sessions. This increase resulted in a higher enrollment of 120 more students compared to the 2023-24 school year. Staff will continue to investigate how to further increase the maximum number at each school.

The Park District is a separate entity from the City of Elmhurst, which supplies water to the community and sets rates. The Park District is giving the community the choice to fund these projects now because they address priorities that for many years have been identified by residents as critical needs in Elmhurst. 

We continue operating at our current level with extensive wait lists and limited indoor programming space. The District would need to continue to invest money into a nearly 70-year-old facility that has space constraints, significant aging, and building deficiencies. It will also limit our ability to pay for and address other park and facility needs and priorities identified in the Elevate Elmhurst Parks Plan. 

If approved, the District can legally only use referendum funding for construction of the specified projects. The indoor walking track at the new Wagner Community Center will be free for residents along with programming, performances, and activities at the Wilder Park community bandshell. 

Fees from programs are used to pay for the direct cost of operations, including program supplies, staffing, and utilities, which all incur rising costs over time. Given this, fees will continue to be used to support direct program costs and occasionally will be increased, as needed. 

In 1971, voters approved a $3.9 million bond referendum for land acquisition and development. The majority of the Park District’s present land was purchased during this time, along with new park development.

During the District’s last strategic and comprehensive planning process (Vision 2020), 18 goals organized into six strategic themes were identified. Using a strategic work plan that outlined specific tactics, staff planned, tracked and reported on implementation progress. 

Since 2017, the District has accomplished nearly all the goals and tactics from Vision 2020, except for constructing new indoor recreation and sports spaces due to fiscal constraints. These accomplishments include:

  • Park renovations at multiple parks, including Glos, Ben Allison, and Eldridge Parks
  • Acquired more open space and developed new parks at Centennial and Pick Parks (formally park deserts)
  • Facility enhancements, including the sale of the former senior center, The Abbey, and the opening of the new Mary E. Kies Recreation Center
  • Amenity upgrades, including Dog Park planning (construction in 2024) and baseball field renovations
  • Expanded offerings, including community events, camps, weekend/evening options
  • Transitioned to new registration software (ActiveNet)

Classes would continue to be offered while a new Wagner Community Center is built. The Park District anticipates moving out of the existing Wagner Community Center in Fall of 2025. At that time, the Park District would use its own facilities, as well as pursue other options within the community for temporary programming space. The anticipated return to the new Wagner Community Center would be Fall 2027.

The Park District last went to referendum in 1971. In 2019, the Park District explored the possibility of going to referendum through a voter survey, but chose not to go forward with a referendum at that time.

Early in-person voting begins September 26, 2024 in DuPage County. View early voting locations for DuPage County.

Election Day is November 5, 2024. View DuPage County polling places or view Cook County polling places.

Elmhurst residents will be able to vote on the bond referendum on the November 5, 2024 general election ballot. 

Early in-person voting begins September 26, 2024 in DuPage County. To register to vote, visit DuPage County’s website  or Cook County’s website.

Several Open Houses at the Park District’s Wagner Community Center will allow residents to view the proposed projects and renderings, ask questions and take a tour of Wagner Community Center, which would be replaced if the referendum was approved. 

These Open Houses will take place at Wagner Community Center (615 West Avenue, Elmhurst) on:

  • Saturday, September 28, 10am-Noon;
  • Tuesday, October 15, 10am-Noon;
  • Tuesday, October 22, 6-8pm.

Tours will begin on the half hour. 

In advance of early voting starting September 26, Executive Director Jim Rogers and Park Board President, Kevin Graf, will also be hosting a Live Q&A for those who can’t make it to an Open House.

The Live Q&A will take place on Wednesday, September 25 at 6pm on Zoom. Those interested in attending, please email marketingatepd.org (marketing[at]epd[dot]org) for a link to the session.

Questions can be sent to that email address in advance or participants can ask questions during the event.

Visit our contact page to reach out with questions and comments.