The Elmhurst Park District has been recognized as an Illinois Distinguished Accredited Agency by the Illinois Association of Park Districts and the Illinois Park and Recreation Association. The two statewide associations administer the Illinois Distinguished Accreditation program with the goal of improving the delivery of park and recreation services to Illinois residents.
“This program gives recognition to park and recreation agencies that go above and beyond in dedicating themselves to offering quality programs and services designed to fulfill their community’s needs,” said Debbie Trueblood, IPRA Executive Director.
Park and recreation agencies undergo a detailed process of application and evaluation to ensure they’ve met state guidelines to provide exceptional park and recreation services to their community. A joint accreditation committee coordinates the process. On the day of the evaluation, the agency presents documented information and gives a tour of pertinent facilities and parks for the evaluation team’s review. The team then reviews general management procedures, finance and business operations, personnel, recreation services, legal documentation and other materials including mission statements, goals and safety manuals.
Elmhurst Park District’s evaluation was held on Tuesday, October 30. On Monday, November 19, the District was officially approved as a Distinguished Accredited agency, and they will be formally recognized at the IAPD/IPRA annual conference in January.
“It’s remarkable what the District has done to ensure we’re utilizing best business practices,” said Elmhurst Park District Board President Vince Spaeth, “This award allows us to recognize the things done every day to run a great District, and it’s something the community can really be proud of.”