There are more ways than one to find value in a Courts Plus Membership. The clear goal of any gym membership is improving your health, which Courts Plus Member Arnie Stein agrees with, saying he came to Courts Plus originally looking for a way to stay in shape.
Over the years, however; he’s found other value to his Courts Plus Membership that brings him back. The Courts Plus Perks program, for example, is one he especially appreciates.
Arnie immediately found favorites in the Courts Plus Perks program, which partners Courts Plus with area businesses to provide discounts to Courts Plus members. He enjoyed how they really increased the value of his membership. The free coffee at Whole Foods, for example, is a perk he takes advantage of regularly. “I get a cup of coffee every day no matter what,” he says. “When you factor in the perk of coffee alone, the membership is practically free. You can’t beat free.”
The emphasis on keeping it local is important to Arnie too. “We like to do business in Elmhurst,” he says.
The usage incentive program has also motivated Arnie to get to the gym. By accruing 132 visits to Courts Plus in a year, members can earn a free month of dues. He met this goal in 2017 and is on track to meet it again in 2018.
Plus, compared to other gym facilities, he enjoys the variety and the sense of home that Courts Plus gives. “It’s not a huge, impersonal place,” he says. People come here to both workout and interact with their community.
With the added benefit of qualifying for a senior membership this year, Arnie is looking forward to keeping a visit to Courts Plus part of his regular routine. “You have to exercise, especially as you get older.”