Region 8 enters Phase 4

Region 8, which includes the Elmhurst Park District, entered Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois Plan on Wednesday. The following changes will go into effect…

  • Outdoor recreation – Group sizes of up to 50 are allowed and multiple groups are permitted given facilities have space to appropriately social distance and can limit interaction between groups.
  • Rentals – Rentals are limited to the lesser of 50 people or 50% of room capacity, however, dance floors should remain closed.
  • Youth and recreational sports - There is a limit of 50 spectators for events. Sporting venues may host multiple groups of participants engaged in active exercise or gameplay provided the venue has space.

The Illinois Department of Public Health will continue to track the positivity rate in our region and updates concerning the Park District will be posted to this website. Follow the latest regional metrics at:

As always, wash your hands, wear your mask, and watch your distance. Covered faces equal open places!