Aquatics Program Information

  • learning to float
  • learning to dive

Available during the summer for ages 6 months to adult.

Elmhurst Park District is an authorized provider of the Starfish Swim School Program ® through the Starfish Aquatics Institute (SAI). SAI is an innovative provider of training, certification, and risk reduction programs to the international aquatics community. All swim instructors are certified Starfish Swimming Instructors. All participants will be tested the first day to determine what stage they start in. Participants will advance to the next stage once they complete the benchmark skills; participants may advance through more than one stage in one session.

Early Childhood

Starbabies™ (Ages 6-23 months with adult): The purpose of this course is to develop in very young children a high comfort level in the water while at the same time training the adults who accompany them in water safety and drowning prevention. This course does not teach children to become accomplished swimmers or to survive in the water; it does provide a confidence-building, fun and warm experience. One adult must be in the water with each child. Swim Diapers required.

Startots™ (Ages 24-36 months with adult): The purpose of this course is to develop in very young children a high comfort level in the water while at the same time training the adults who accompany them in water safety and drowning prevention. This course does not teach children to become accomplished swimmers or to survive in the water; it does provide a confidence-building, fun, and warm experience. One adult must be in the water with each child. Swim Diapers required.

Preschool Swim School (Ages 3-5): Designed to meet the needs of children ages 3 to 5, this course will develop a high comfort level in the water and a readiness to swim. For those children who are developmentally ready, it will teach functional swim skills. Instructors will introduce basic swimming skills through creative, fun activities in the water. Students will work towards achieving the benchmarks of each level at their own pace in a small-group setting.

Youth Swim Lessons

Youth Swim Lessons (Ages 6-12): Children will be tested on the first day of lessons to determine their level. Students work toward developing the five core swimming competencies using age-appropriate learning activities. Learning is self-paced but challenging. Students work toward developing skills and progress toward achieving the benchmarks in a small group setting.

Adult Programs

Adult and Teen Swim Lessons (Ages 13 and up): It is never too late to learn to swim. Whether your goal is to just be comfortable in the water or stroke improvement, our instructors will work with you to set and achieve your goal.

Deep Water Aerobics (Ages 18 and up): This is the ultimate water exercise for those looking for a challenging, stimulating workout. It’s safe, low-impact exercise for effective cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength and body toning. Class is held in Diving Well which is 12 feet of water; all participants should be comfortable in the water. Equipment (barbells and float belts) will be available to use.

Water Fitness (Ages 18 and up): This program will help improve your cardiovascular system, strengthen your core and tone your muscles. It will integrate specific principles and creative movement progressions to motivate and challenge. Equipment (barbells and float belts) will be available. No registration required. Five, ten and twenty visit punch cards will be available to purchase or daily visit fee will be available. 

Diving Lessons

Beginning Diving Lessons (Ages 6-14): Designed for the student with little or diving experience, participants can expect to learn headfirst entry from the side as well as headfirst entry from the diving board. Participants will be introduced to the three-step approach on the board with a jump. All participants should be able to swim at least one full length of the pool by the start of the first class.

Intermediate/Advanced Diving Lessons (Ages 6-14): This level is for the participant who has either graduated from Beginning Diving Lessons, or who has had diving lessons before and is comfortable performing a headfirst entry from the diving board. Participants can expect to refine the three-step approach on the board with jump, learn the three-step approach with a dive and be introduced to front skills (tuck/pike dive, somersault) and back skills (back jump/dive). Advanced participants will learn a four-step approach.

Swim Camp

(Ages 6-12) A great opportunity for both the novice and the more experience swimmer to improve swimming skills. Each swimmer will work to improve skills at their own level. Swimmers will be placed into small groups by level to best facilitate learning. In addition to instructional swim, campers enjoy free swim, organized water activities and games and learn about water safety. Campers should bring a healthy snack, water bottle, bathing suit, goggles, sunscreen and towel each day. Each camper will receive a t-shirt.

Private Swim Lessons

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The Elmhurst Park District offers private lessons for participants ages 3 to adult during the summer. All swim instructors undergo regular training and are certified Starfish Swim instructors. All Private Swim Lessons are 30 minutes long.