Project Budget
Project Summary
As part of the upkeep, safety, and maintenance of the parks, staff propose completing total milling, repaving, and restriping of various paths. Although sealcoating and maintenance extends the life of the asphalt, it eventually deteriorates along with adjacent curbs and sidewalks based on time, exposure, and frequency of pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Besides ensuring safe pedestrian and vehicle use, paving projects also improve ADA accessibility and vehicle performance and reduce future environmental stress and maintenance costs. In 2025, staff propose budgeting $282,824 for the following paving projects:
- York Commons Park entry to Smalley Pool to baseball field path removal and replacement ($135,000);
- Conrad Fischer Park north and south path removal and replacement ($57,820) and new path to connect entrance from Victory Parkway to Conrad Fischer Elementary School ($57,504); and
- Berens Park southwest corner of park path (from restroom building to tennis court entry) asphalt replacement ($32,500).