Courts Plus Fitness Floor Bikes Replacement (2025)

  • Courts Plus Fitness Floor
    Courts Plus Fitness Floor

Not Started

Project Budget
Project Summary

This project continues the implementation of the five-year fitness floor equipment purchase plan. The District’s goal is to trade-in equipment before a significant increase in repairs occur and to remain competitive with other fitness providers by offering the latest in fitness technologies and amenities. As fitness equipment continues to age, it requires more repairs putting it out-of-service longer due to the availability of replacement parts. New equipment also provides updated mechanical technology, modern features, and improved performance, resulting in reduced future maintenance costs and an enhanced guest experience. 

In the 2025 capital budget, staff propose funding the replacement of fourteen fitness floor bikes purchased in 2015 (nine-years old). The optimal useful life/best resale value of this equipment is seven to nine years with a recommended replacement schedule of five to seven years. Repair costs and equipment downtime have increased due to the fitness bikes age.

Project News

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