Crestview Park Master Plan Development (2025)

  • Crestview Park playground
    Crestview Park playground
Project Started
Project Budget
Project Summary

Since the Crestview Park playground is scheduled for replacement in 2026, staff propose creating a master plan for Crestview Park to comprehensively review and evaluate park needs, which will aid future capital planning and modernization of park amenities and facilities. Staff propose hiring a professional services firm to assist with plan development, including conducting public meetings to garner community input and Board review of the draft master plan. Staff propose funding this project with General Fund reserves.

This project falls under the Elevate Elmhurst Parks Priority of Invigorated Parks
Tactic: Develop Crestview Park Master Plan

Project News

Updated Friday, January 17, 2025 - 11:37am

Park Board preparing for the future with approval of several planning projects

In an effort to enhance the community’s park amenities and space, the Elmhurst Board of Park Commissioners approved several planning projects during their Monday, January 13, 2025 meeting.