August 22, 2016 Park Board Meeting

As regards to Golden Meadows, Executive Director Rogers met with City Manager Grabowski last Thursday to discuss the selection of an appraiser for the property and agreed to compare lists of appraisers for a final selection of an appraiser that appears on both lists. Last Tuesday, the District received Burke’s 95% plans and specifications, which V3 Engineering (V3) is reviewing.

In regards to the York Commons detention basin, the City Council accepted bids for construction with an alternate location to come under the tracks from Crescent Avenue into the park. This alternative is further west of the original design creating less of an impact in the park. V3 and the
Board’s subcommittee have requested additional information from Burke to ensure the alternate will operate in the exact same way as the original location. Staff will be attending a preconstruction meeting at York Commons with City staff and their contractor. Rogers informed the City Manager that construction will not begin until it has been determined that the system will operate as agreed upon. Board President Spaeth requested the cost variance for changing the routing. Commissioner Graf reported that the City Council approved the higher of the two alternative costs, even though, in the long run, alternative two would be least expensive.