March 26, 2014 Park Board Meeting

Stormwater Subcommittee Update

  • Commissioner Spaeth reported that the City released a draft document summarizing current status, number of homes originally targeted, and the effect of detention basins in the parks.
  • East End Park would provide stormwater relief for only 12 homes.  The document lists home flood proofing at a cost of $25,000 per home. Calculating the cost for the 12 homes is less significant than a detention basin in East End Park.  Golden Meadows continues to be the main solution for the 20 homes in the Pine Street area.  Piping from East End to Golden Meadows is considered to be too costly at an estimated $12 million.  According to the document, Golden Meadows and York Commons parks would impact the greatest number of homes.
  • Commissioner Howard added that two of the 12 homes near East End Park are candidates to serve as a natural bioswale.  The number of homes has increased from Burke's report of nine homes. The City spoke of other measures being taken to relieve flooding such as rear-yard and overhead sewer programs, and an ordinance for new construction. The City also cited the City of LaGrange, which has a progressive policy for residential site construction permits including requiring the use of established solutions.
  • Commissioner Spaeth voiced that the Park District is not in agreement with the City that the detention basins would be an enhancement to the parks.  Executive Director Rogers has repeatedly clarified that same point to the Sub-Committee.
  • At the March 12 Board meeting, the Board discussed hiring an independent engineering firm to verify Burke figures, sites, and field playability in the interest of protecting the parks. Executive Director Rogers has contacted V3 Engineering, which has direct experience with stormwater solutions and has worked with the Park District in the past.  The Board provided consensus that V3 Engineering review stormwater plans in order for the Board to make an informed decision in considering the use of parks for stormwater retention.
  • The Sub-Committee will meet again on April 14.
  • The City Manager gave Executive Director Rogers a first draft intergovernmental agreement for the stormwater detention sites.  Should the Board decide to allow detention basins in the parks it may agree to allow one park or a portion of a park at first and allow others depending on outcome.  The responsible party for maintenance costs must also be considered.

Unfinished Business (Old): Stormwater Management Discussion

Commissioners Kies asked why stormwater is listed twice on the agenda.  Executive Director Rogers explained that Stormwater Sub-Committee is listed for Committee Reports then listed under Unfinished Business for further discussion or possible Board action.