October 13, 2014 Stormwater Subcommittee Meeting Board Progress Update

Items Discussed

October 1st Park District Meeting

Jim Rogers provided a quick summary of the meeting attended by over 100 residents.  Full video of the meeting is available on the Park District Website.

Cayuga Avenue Meetings

The City provided a summary of the prior Cayuga residents meetings and indicated they would be holding another meeting that evening.  The City is continuing to compile a list of the residents’ concerns.

October 15 Citywide Stormwater Meeting

City confirmed they will hold a public meeting on October 15 with a brief presentation at both 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. followed by breakout sessions by sites/neighborhoods.

Other Discussion

City indicated they are committed to the future projects identified for each flood area, the items further down the list.  The Park District asked for this reassurance to be certain the detention ponds were not viewed as the “whole fix” but only part of the total stormwater solution needed in each area. Examples included the use of Madison School property for detention, upgraded sewer pumps on McKinley as things which needed to be done in addition to the possible use of parks.

Some additional discussion took place on the long-term potential use of the Quarry and expansion of detention west of Salt Creek.