October 29, 2015 Stormwater Subcommittee Meeting

The stormwater subcommittee met with the City on Thursday, October 29, 2015 in Council Chambers with public present to continue discussions concerning the City’s request to use park property for stormwater detention.


Eleven residents attended the meeting and six spoke during public comment. The Park District subcommittee presented a proposal to the City ( copy of the proposal is available below) in an attempt to resolve the remaining two larger issues upon which our agencies have yet to agree. Those being the inclusion in the IGA of all five sites that the City has requested to use and what level of compensation will be provided in order for the Park District to attempt to make up for the lost recreational value (both current and long-term) that will be experienced if the communities’ park land is to be encumbered in perpetuity with stormwater basins. The City and Park District continue to have a philosophical difference over the value of open space and, as a result, at times the discussions were once again contentious. However, we did have the opportunity to provide an overview of the Board’s proposal in its entirety and the City intends to prepare a response. In addition we reviewed the latest draft of the IGA, which primarily involved a discussion concerning how tree replacement will occur as a result of trees being removed to accommodate the construction of stormwater basins. In addition, dialogue also took place concerning the latest IDNR documentation that was provided as the City desires more information about the properties (Golden Meadows, East End, Wild Meadows Trace), which staff will provide next week. The next subcommittee meeting will be held Thursday, November 12 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall.