The Elmhurst Park District held a public meeting on Thursday, July 27 to welcome feedback from the community on the conversion of property related to Golden Meadows Park.
Stormwater Updates
This past April, the Elmhurst Park District deeded a portion of land at Golden Meadows Park to the City of Elmhurst as part of an Intergovernmental Agreement to assist the City in its efforts to ad
The stormwater detention project at Golden Meadows is moving forward. The appraisal of $1,130,000 was approved by the Elmhurst City Council at their January 17, 2017 meeting. The appraisal was then sent by the Park District to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and is now awaiting their approval. Since the property was purchased with IDNR Grant funds, IDNR must approve the appraisal and sale of the property to the City of Elmhurst. IDNR prohibits stormwater detention as a use for park land purchased with IDNR funds, thus requiring the sale of the property to the City of Elmhurst.
The City of Elmhurst began its stormwater detention project in York Commons last week with the removal of trees in the proposed detention basin.
At the Park Board meeting on July 25, 2016 the Board unanimously approved Resolution R-02-16 to approve the terms of an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) between the City of Elmhurst and the Elmhur
The Elmhurst Park District Board of Park Commissioners reviewed the proposed Golden Meadows Park stormwater IGA prepared by the City of Elmhurst on April 13, 2016 after discussions and review of th
The City of Elmhurst will hold an open house on April 20, 2016 at City Hall to review plans for the York Commons stormwater improvement project.
The Park Board received the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement for the use of Golden Meadows for stormwater detention from the City of Elmhurst on the afternoon of March 22, 2016.