Sugar Creek Golf Course held a ground breaking ceremony for the Sugar Creek restoration project on Saturday, November 5. The project has been in the planning stages since 2016 and the golf course is looking forward to restoring the creek, which is a natural resource that provides open space, habitat, flood storage and recreational opportunities.
The creek, which runs through the golf course, has experienced shoreline erosion, sediment deposit accumulations and degraded water quality in recent years. The creek’s restoration project seeks to remedy these issues and preserve the creek.
More than 50% of the nearly $1.2 million dollar project will be funded through grants from the DuPage County Water Quality Improvement Program and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. The remaining funding will come equally from Sugar Creek Golf Course, along with the Village of Villa Park and the Elmhurst Park District, which jointly own and operate the golf course.
The ground breaking brought together local leaders from Elmhurst and Villa Park while also highlighting the importance of the creek’s restoration to both communities. The project is expected to conclude in the spring. The golf course is closed during construction, but the driving range will remain open, as well as rentals and the pro shop.
Learn more about the project at the Sugar Creek Golf Course website.