Per the District’s 20-year playground replacement schedule, staff recommends funding $487,300 in the 2024 capital budget to redevelop Pioneer Park, which was last updated in 2006. The proposed project includes replacing the playground equipment ($358,000) and soft surfacing ($100,800) along with the path and basketball court ($28,500). The park equipment has been deteriorating at a rapid pace due to misuse and age, requiring constant repairs that will continue to rise in cost. Staff proposes reconfiguring the playground layout to improve its design and introduce new equipment and amenities that reduce the need for repairs.
A public input meeting was held on July 18, 2023 to gather feedback on what amenities and features the community prefers in the playground design. Based on this input, staff created two playground concepts and collected feedback in an online community survey to shape the proposed play area master plan, which is anticipated to be approved by the Board on November 13, 2023. Construction drawings and specifications will be developed for bid in late November and a contract is anticipated to be awarded in early 2024.
Staff propose funding this project with Annual G.O. Bonds proceeds ($265,472), SRA Fund property tax levy revenue ($200,000), and Recreation Fund reserves ($21,828).
This project falls under the Elevate Elmhurst Parks Priority of Invigorated Parks
Tactic: Redevelop Pioneer Park